Sawnee Corners Ranch Homes In Cumming GA
The average list price for a home / one level condo in Sawnee Corners ranges between $118,000 to $259,000. Most of the attached ranch homes built between 2005 to 2013 in the community. Homes in the neighborhood have from 2 to 4 bedrooms & 2 to 3 bathrooms.
Ranch / Patio Homes For Sale In Sawnee Corners
More Active Adult Communities In Forsyth County
The median sales price for a house, at time of post, is $152,633 and the average total list days on market is 99, at time of post.
The Community Schools At Time Of Post
Elem : Cumming
Middle: Otwell
High : Forsyth Central
HOA fees-(Home Owner Association), at time of post, are $215.00 a month with an initiation fee of $430.00 and includes clubhouse and swimming pool.
The only neighborhood street in the community is Sawnee Corners Drive.
Directions: Georgia 400 to exit 15, Turn left and go through Cumming. Right on Highway 20, left into Sawnee Corners.